Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We're Moving!

From now on, all of my posts will be at http://niashanks.blogspot.com

I will have more content and updates. Keep an eye out for awesome information and FREE workouts!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

10 Minute In-Home Christmas Workout!

Christmas time is officially here! With all of the “have to do’s” this month, many people don’t think they have time for an effective fat-burning workout. Well, I am here to tell you that that is not true! In fact, you can get in a great workout in the comfort of your own home!

You may be wondering how you can maintain and even improve your body composition at home with no equipment. Well, to be honest; the possibilities are endless! I’m going to share with you a few workouts you can incorporate into your busy schedule that will allow you to burn fat and sculpt your body in as little as 10 minutes!

For this workout, you will do each exercise for 1 minute each. Perform the first exercise for 1 minute, and then move immediately to the next. Continue doing this until you complete every exercise, and then rest 2-3 minutes and repeat 1-2 more times.

1) Squats
2) Pushups
3) Squat Thrusts*
4) Jumping Jacks
5) Staggered Pushups**

*Squat down, put your hands beside your feet, kick your legs back so you are in a pushup position, and then kick your feet back up to your hands, and stand up.

**Place one hand a few inches in front of the other; do pushups in this position for 30 seconds, and then switch hands for the other 30 seconds.

Here is another in-home workout to help you lose fat and sculpt your body!

Perform the designated number of reps for each exercise, and proceed through the circuit with no rest. After every exercise is completed, rest about 2 minutes and repeat 1-2 times.

1) Squats—20
2) Jumping Jacks—50
3) Pushups—15
4) Mountain Climbers*—10 reps each leg
5) Squat Thrust—12 reps

*Get in the top part of a pushup (arms straight) and bring one knee up to your chest; as you return that leg to the start position, bring the alternate knee up to your chest.

There you have it! Two awesome workouts you can do at home in less than 20 minutes! Now you have absolutely no excuse for not getting in a terrific workout!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Beware of the Thanksgiving Thief!

As this special day approaches, many people may be wondering how their diet will be affected. Well . . . you should see my opinion on the topic. You may be surprised.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

High Fructose Corn Syrup

You really need to know the truth about high fructose corn syrup. Hop over to my other blog to see it.

You need to know about things like this.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What's Your Excuse?

I don't have time to drive 15 minutes to the gym, workout out for an hour, and drive 15 minutes home.

The kids are home, so I can't go to the gym.

I don't have the money to spend on a membership.

I don't like going to the gym.

It's raining so I can't go outside and walk.

I don't have any equipement at home.

I work too much.

I go to school and work.

I'm too tired.

I have to travel.

I have to vote and the lines will be too long.

Blah, blah, blah.

I have heard every excuse possible. And you know what, I don't think ANY of them are good!

Now I completely understand that most people think that if they can't go to a gym that they can't get in a great workout. They think they have to be able to dedicate at least 1 full hour to exercise or else it isn't worth their time. They think that . . . until they spend 15 minutes with me. : )

I could get you a better workout in 15 minutes than most people get in one full hour.

I strongly believe in getting more results in less time because there are more important things in life than worrying about exercising. Yes, exercising is very important, but your whole life should not revolve around it.

Don't get me wrong, you have to work very hard during those 15 minutes, or else the workout won't be effective. But ask yourself this: would you rather work hard for 15 minutes and get great results, or would you rather waste an hour or more and get very little results?

The choice is yours.

Here is a very quick total body workout:

1a) Pushups x10
1b) Squat x15
1c) Inverted Row x10 (this looks like a reverse pushup; set a bar about waist high (or higher to make it easier) and keep your body very tight just like in a pushup; pull your chest to the bar. You can also bend your legs to make it easier)
1d) Alternating Reverse Lunges x8 each leg

You'll do 10 pushups, 15 squats, 10 inverted rows, and then 8 reverse lunges on each leg. Go through this circuit as many times as possible in 15 minutes. Rest as little as possible and make sure your form is perfect.

Do this, and you'll get an awesome fat burning workout completed in only 15 minutes.

Good bye long, slow cardio!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Learn From a Kid

One of the terrible things about working out is that everyone automatically assumes it's going to be boring, hard, and something they dread doing.

That is no way to spend your time!

We need to have a different perception when it comes to "working out." Yes, things like weight lifting are very beneficial, and absolutely everyone can benefit from it. That is why I always recommend some form of weight training.

However, when it comes to "cardio" type work, people automatically assume they have to spend a long time on a machine: treadmill, elliptical, bike, stair stepper, etc.

Well, here is where you can learn from a kid. Remember when you were a kid? What did you do? Did you run around, climb trees, play tag? While you were doing these things were you thinking, "I wonder how many calories I burned"? NO!!! You were having FUN! You were playing. You were enjoying yourself. You looked forward to those times.

That is what we need to bring back to "working out." As one of my professors said, "play with a purpose" don't exercise.

Find something you enjoy doing: biking, walking, hiking, playing an organized sport, tai chi, whatever it is. Find something you like and do that. In the end, it will be so much more effective than any boring routine you had to force yourself to do. If you enjoy something, you are much more likely to be consistent. And consistency produces results.

I plan on playing outside with my dog tomorrow. We'll run around, play with the soccer ball, and just have fun.

Remember, do what you enjoy.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nutrition Guidance

A while ago I posted nutrition tips on my blog.

I now want to encourage you to take small, gradual steps when it comes to changing your eating habits.

It would be ridiculous and very difficult to drastically change your eating habits all at once. So what I propose you do is make small, gradual changes. This will allow you to learn a new pattern and ensure that the changes stick.

For example: if you eat fast food 4 times a week, only eat fast food 3 times this week. And then in the next week or 2, only eat fast food 2 times.

Another example: if you drink several cokes (or other high calorie beverages) a day, reduce that number by 1. And then over the next couple of days, decrease it by 1 again. Make sure, however, that you replace that drink with water or tea (fresh, not bottled with no sugar). You need to have something in place of your normal beverage to help increase consistency and compliance.

Also, try a new fruit and/or vegetable every week. Try to include a fruit and/or vegetable with every meal. These are small, easy tips that can produce BIG results!

Don't underestimate the little things you can do every day to help you achieve your goals. A lot of little things add up to a big thing. Exercise and nutrition are no different.

Be consistent and persistant!!!