Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nutrition Guidance

A while ago I posted nutrition tips on my blog.

I now want to encourage you to take small, gradual steps when it comes to changing your eating habits.

It would be ridiculous and very difficult to drastically change your eating habits all at once. So what I propose you do is make small, gradual changes. This will allow you to learn a new pattern and ensure that the changes stick.

For example: if you eat fast food 4 times a week, only eat fast food 3 times this week. And then in the next week or 2, only eat fast food 2 times.

Another example: if you drink several cokes (or other high calorie beverages) a day, reduce that number by 1. And then over the next couple of days, decrease it by 1 again. Make sure, however, that you replace that drink with water or tea (fresh, not bottled with no sugar). You need to have something in place of your normal beverage to help increase consistency and compliance.

Also, try a new fruit and/or vegetable every week. Try to include a fruit and/or vegetable with every meal. These are small, easy tips that can produce BIG results!

Don't underestimate the little things you can do every day to help you achieve your goals. A lot of little things add up to a big thing. Exercise and nutrition are no different.

Be consistent and persistant!!!

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