Monday, October 13, 2008


I get upset when I hear "nutrition experts" tell people not to eat fruit. "Fruit will make you fat" some have shouted. Many people say fructose (the simple sugar in fruit) contributes to fat gain. Some of the studies that condem fruit are actually talking about high fructose corn syrup and not whole fruit. If you look at a coke label, the calories come from sugar (about 38 grams) mostly in the form of high fructose corn syrup. Do you know how much fructose is in the average piece of fruit? About 6-10 grams.

Some people think to lose fat they need to cut out fruit because of the sugar content. Let me ask you this: do you really think the main problem people have in losing fat is eating too much fruit? Seriously? I guarantee that there are other things that have been overlooked that would have a more significant effect. Are they eating natural, whole foods? Have they cut out liquid calories? Are they limiting their grain intake? Are they consistently working out and setting new PRs?

Any time someone asks me if they should cut fruit out of their diet, they receive a quick "no". Fruit has fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and a host of other things that contributes to losing fat. This is almost as ridiculous as people saying they won't eat carrots because it goes against their diet. What? Here's a tip: run away from any diet that tells you to avoid a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. If anything, we all need to increase the amount we eat. I will soon reveal my problem with the FDA Food Guide Pyramid.

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