Monday, October 27, 2008

No Excuses Part II

I sent an email to everyone on my subscribed list today. I talked about how 67% of nonexercisers list lack of time as their main reason for not exercising.

Then I corrected that statement. The main reason people cite for not exercising is a perceived lack of time. Most people say they don't have time to exercise, and yet they make sure they watch their favorite shows on TV every day.

You make time for the things that are important to you. Period.

If you are truly short on time, then I suggest getting in a 15 minute bodyweight workout. You can do that ANYWHERE.

If you take your kids to the park, you can workout there (see for pics).

At the gym, you can do compound movements and finish off with bodyweight circuits. That is much faster than traditional bodybuilding splits.

No excuses. I have a friend who has at least 3 jobs and goes to school full time. And ya know what, he always makes time to train!!! Like I said: no excuses.

Get creative. Make the time to workout whether it's at home, outdoors, or at the gym.

Here's a challenge: go without TV for one full week, and see just how much time you actually have.

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