Friday, October 10, 2008

Functional Exercise

The term "functional exercise" has been terribly misused. Today, whenever someone hears the term "functional exercise" they automatically picture someone using a stability ball. For some reason, the concept of standing (yes, I have seen people try it) on a SB is seen as "functional" and therefore it must be "good." Wow. No. Please, don't ever try to stand on a SB and do a squat; you are just asking for an injury.

Along with the SB, many people think they should stand on unstable surfaces, such as air disks and Bosu balls. This is what people think is functional nowadays. I'm sure there is a time and place to use these tools, but if your primary goal is fat loss and/or increasing lean muslce, these things should not be used.

True functional exercise is a movement you do in your training program that can benefit your daily life. A deadlift is a very functional exercise; everyone has to squat down and pick something up off the floor. Military presses, pushups, pullups, dips, squats, lunges, etc. THESE are functional exercises. Plus, these exercises allow you to use more weight, which means you use more muscle mass, which means your burn more calories.

Keep this in mind next time some "expert" tries to get you to spend a lot of time on a stability ball or wobble board. Just say no.

One more thing. Don't use machines. Those have no carryover to real life. Move your bodyweight, lift free weights, and lift odd objects. These will get you the best results in the least amount of time.

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