Thursday, October 2, 2008


Get ready for a surprise: corn is not a vegetable. Corn is a grain. Just something to keep in mind.

According to recent research, corn and high fructose corn syrup has become one of the greatest sources of calories in our diet.

I'm not telling you to never eat corn again; I'm just revealing the truth to you. One simple tip that has worked time and time again, is to reduce grain intake for fat loss. Give it a try: reduce or eliminate your grain intake (and replace it will fruits, vegetables, legumes) for a few weeks and see what a difference it makes. If you try it, please contact me and let me know what you think.

Something people also want to know how to get rid of is "belly bloat." A lot of times this is caused by gluten; it is a result of wheat consumption and is very difficult to digest. By greatly reducing or eliminating wheat for two weeks, this could help reduce the bloating. Once again, give it a go and let me know the results.

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